Candid - Guide Star Independent Rating Agency
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Supporting our Veterans, Homeless, Recently Released Prisoners, At-risk and Disenfranchised
Retail, Entertainment, Learning, Arts and Crafts and more....
Its a different kind of place... with a different type of experience... for a different sort of people...
A dear friend of mine who was high up with Trammel Crow came up with an idea for a craft and retail shopping center called Ola Podrida. He did not charge the sellers for their shop space. Instead they took a 10% commission on the sales. They advertised the shopping center and even booked bus tours and it became a huge tourist attraction. The shop owners flourished as did the Ola Podrida. It also became the highest cost retail space per foot in the United States. I promised my friend before he died from Cancer that one day I would build another facility using the same successful concept.
With all the retail space in America being lost during Covid, people need another venue they can afford. The Village at Woodside will be just that place. Expanding on the concept we will offer the down and out a hand up. With a place to live that they pay for from the jobs they do at the facility. It will be a place like no other. If we notice a young man with a talent for painting, or welding, or plastic carving, whatever, we will give him a place and marketing and sales support to sell his wares. He can be a he, a she, a older lady, a retired guy a doctor or a janitor and become an integral part of our Village.
From Tiny Homes to Mansions this intial 700 acre facility will be something to behold. Industrial mixed, Flowering gardens, Commerical laden, homes atop the greenhouses, water falling from the towers, guysers shooting up from below and a river running throught it....let your imagination be your guide to the diverse wonders of the Utah Village at Woodside.
So much to do... So little time...
If your just driving through purchase a new R.V. or travel trailer, Tiny Home on wheels, Conatainer home or storage facility. Rent one for the night and enjoy the sunset but don't forget to try the Local Elk Skewers from the Mesquite Smoked Grill. Then try some of the sweet melon grown in the rich river- bed soils of the Pride.
Thats' a word you will see on the faces of those who make this new wonder their home. They will be the ones serving the tourists with Pride. They will have Pride telling their folks how they are no longer homeless. They will show off thier new home with Pride and that's something we can all take Pride in.
A sustainable living, learning, working, serving and enjoying community.
No more being kicked out of your home because you lost your job. Go over and talk to Karen, she will show you how to access the online training tools for Renu's Jobs Skills Training Program. You will cover the basics before you begin your on site training at our local Renu Resource Center. You will have a number of job certifications to choose from. While your learning you can serve coffee or welcome people into the lodge or carry their bags or wash their RV at the Service Center. You don't loose your home around here you just find a way to help out.
When you get off work, grab a golf cart and an I-pad from the resource center and sit by the river park and study for your exam Tuesday. Be back at the grill by 6 for dinner, Mac is cooking up his famous Mesquite Smoked Quail with local Jalopeno dressing. Tell the tourists they can buy a jar of it over at the Utah Village Welcome Center.