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Recognizing the unique benefits of combining job training with affordable housing solutions has led us to discussions with many civic and community and business leaders.  Renu has been at the forefront of championing lifestyle changes as an important part of it's LifeBuilder/Lifeskills programs.  It quickly became clear that supplying affordable housing for these at risk, homeless and struggling individuals plays a significant role as well.  Communities everywhere are in need of a constructive approach to create more affordable housing solutions for the masses along with long term solutions for the jobless and/or homeless citizens.   The Renu Solution trains and employs these individuals and let's them join us and contribute to the solution. 


The Renu Foundation stands ready to share it's knowledge and help develop Solution oriented

Programs in cities and local communities across the country.  For more information on the Renu Solution, contact




Renu Foundation is currently seeking suitable locations to create small rental and rent to own communities using our construction programs and methods with a special focus on OPPORTUNITY ZONES.   If you are interested in creating a small rental community on your property or developing another property with us, please contact us! 


as you help others, the environment and decrease your tax burden. 

One of the most expensive parts of building a new affordable home is the lack of good affordable lots in a nice neighborhood or town. Who wants to invest their hard earned dollars in a poor run down part of the city or town with bad schools even if you are poor yourself. One great way to help someone get a great place to live in a great neighborhood is for YOU to put a Renu Affordable CUBITS or Container Home on your property and rent it or rent-it-to-own to someone who is looking for a good affordable home. They can rent the home or rent-to-buy the home and then move it after it is paid for. This builds equity for either you or them depending on which plan you prefer. It provides you with collateral, a rental property which is close by and easier to manage and rental income. 

These programs are also a great place to donate/invest your DAF 

(Donor Advised Fund) monies. They provide a longer lasting postive impact and give you peace of mind that your donations were used for a great community building project. Our projects promote sustainable living, organic food production, recycling and refurbishing of our natural resources, solar, wind, alternative energy sources, water catchment, healthier living and so much more all wrapped up in a tangable asset.  

Call, write or text us to learn more. 

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